Build Web Hosting Services: CloudLinux OS for Hoster WHM/cPanel (Part 6)
Build Web Hosting Services: CloudLinux OS for Hoster WHM/cPanel (Part 6)

Series Details Build Web Hosting Services: Install WHM/cPanel on CentOS 7 (Part 1) Build Web Hosting Services: Basic Configuration WHM/cPanel (Part 2) Build Web Hosting Services: EasyApache4 Configuration WHM/cPanel (Part 3) Build Web Hosting Services: Configserver Installation WHM/cPanel (Part 4) Build Web Hosting Services: Configuring Email Deliverability & SSL on WHM/cPanel (Part 5) Build Web... » read more

Build Web Hosting Services: Configuring Email Deliverability & SSL on WHM/cPanel (Part 5)
Build Web Hosting Services: Configuring Email Deliverability & SSL on WHM/cPanel (Part 5)

Series Details Build Web Hosting Services: Install WHM/cPanel on CentOS 7 (Part 1) Build Web Hosting Services: Basic Configuration WHM/cPanel (Part 2) Build Web Hosting Services: EasyApache4 Configuration WHM/cPanel (Part 3) Build Web Hosting Services: Configserver Installation WHM/cPanel (Part 4) Build Web Hosting Services: Configuring Email Deliverability & SSL on WHM/cPanel (Part 5) Build Web... » read more

Build Web Hosting Services: Configserver Installation WHM/cPanel (Part 4)
Build Web Hosting Services: Configserver Installation WHM/cPanel (Part 4)

Series Details Build Web Hosting Services: Install WHM/cPanel on CentOS 7 (Part 1) Build Web Hosting Services: Basic Configuration WHM/cPanel (Part 2) Build Web Hosting Services: EasyApache4 Configuration WHM/cPanel (Part 3) Build Web Hosting Services: Configserver Installation WHM/cPanel (Part 4) Build Web Hosting Services: Configuring Email Deliverability & SSL on WHM/cPanel (Part 5) Build Web... » read more

Build Web Hosting Services: EasyApache4 Configuration WHM/cPanel (Part 3)
Build Web Hosting Services: EasyApache4 Configuration WHM/cPanel (Part 3)

Series Details Build Web Hosting Services: Install WHM/cPanel on CentOS 7 (Part 1) Build Web Hosting Services: Basic Configuration WHM/cPanel (Part 2) Build Web Hosting Services: EasyApache4 Configuration WHM/cPanel (Part 3) Build Web Hosting Services: Configserver Installation WHM/cPanel (Part 4) Build Web Hosting Services: Configuring Email Deliverability & SSL on WHM/cPanel (Part 5) Build Web... » read more

Build Web Hosting Services: Basic Configuration WHM/cPanel (Part 2)
Build Web Hosting Services: Basic Configuration WHM/cPanel (Part 2)

Series Details Build Web Hosting Services: Install WHM/cPanel on CentOS 7 (Part 1) Build Web Hosting Services: Basic Configuration WHM/cPanel (Part 2) Build Web Hosting Services: EasyApache4 Configuration WHM/cPanel (Part 3) Build Web Hosting Services: Configserver Installation WHM/cPanel (Part 4) Build Web Hosting Services: Configuring Email Deliverability & SSL on WHM/cPanel (Part 5) Build Web... » read more

Build Web Hosting Services: Install WHM/cPanel on CentOS 7 (Part 1)
Build Web Hosting Services: Install WHM/cPanel on CentOS 7 (Part 1)

Series Details Build Web Hosting Services: Install WHM/cPanel on CentOS 7 (Part 1) Build Web Hosting Services: Basic Configuration WHM/cPanel (Part 2) Build Web Hosting Services: EasyApache4 Configuration WHM/cPanel (Part 3) Build Web Hosting Services: Configserver Installation WHM/cPanel (Part 4) Build Web Hosting Services: Configuring Email Deliverability & SSL on WHM/cPanel (Part 5) Build Web... » read more

How to Check MySQL Database Connected
How to Check MySQL Database Connected

Ketika saya melakukan setup server LAMPP pada klien terdapat sebuah “diskusi” yang cukup lama terkait permasalahan antara koneksi database tidak terhubung dengan aplikasi. Pada akhirnya saya kepikiran untuk melihat koneksi database apakah benar-benar sudah terkoneksi atau belum. Berikut script PHP yang saya gunakan: Perlu diperhatikan beberapa parameter yang perlu diisi: Database Connection Success Berikut tampilan... » read more

MySQL: ERROR 1819 (HY000) Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements
MySQL: ERROR 1819 (HY000) Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements

Sebenarnya jika secara teknis ini bukan kesalahan sistem MySQL, namun memang harus membuat password yang terdiri dari besar kecil huruf, numerik, dan simbol. Untuk melihat tingkat validasi yang diperlukan untuk membuat password MySQL cukup menggunakan perintah berikut Untuk detail value pada validate_password.policy sebagai berikut: Ini adalah mekanisme terbaru yang diterapkan oleh MySQL untuk memperkuat kata... » read more

Error GPG Key MySQL 5.7
Error GPG Key MySQL 5.7

Pada suatu saat saya melakukan instalasi MySQL versi 5.7 terdapat masalah pada GPG seperti script dibawah berikut (saya demokan dari fresh install) Pada script diatas saya mengambil repository MySQL versi 5.7 kemudian menginstallnya, namun terdapat error mengenai GPG Key. Error tersebut dikarenakan versi GPG Key pada MySQL versi 5.7 tidak di update, untuk melakukan update... » read more